Periodontal Surgery

Periodontal Surgery

Periodontal surgery refers to a set of surgical procedures performed to address advanced stages of gum disease (periodontitis) or to correct certain gum-related issues. Periodontal disease involves inflammation and infection that can damage the gums and the supporting structures of the teeth.

Common types of periodontal surgery include:

  1. Flap Surgery: Also known as pocket reduction surgery, this procedure involves lifting the gums to remove tartar deposits and bacteria from below the gumline. The gums are then repositioned to reduce pocket depth and promote healing.

  2. Bone Grafts: In cases where the disease has caused bone loss around the teeth, bone grafts may be performed. This involves transplanting bone tissue to regenerate and rebuild the damaged bone.

  3. Soft Tissue Grafts: These grafts are used to cover exposed tooth roots resulting from gum recession. They can help reduce sensitivity, improve aesthetics, and prevent further gum recession.

4. Periodontal surgery is often a necessary step to halt the progression of gum disease, restore damaged tissues, and enhance overall oral health. While surgery is sometimes unavoidable, it is typically part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes ongoing periodontal maintenance to prevent future issues. Regular dental check-ups and diligent oral hygiene are crucial components of post-surgical care.

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